Senior Lecturer in East Asian Studies


Yang Wang is a senior lecturer in East Asian Studies. Before coming to Brown, she taught Chinese at Williams College. In addition to teaching at the summer programs at Middlebury College and Duke in China for several years, she has also worked as a teacher trainer at these programs. Yang Wang has co-authored several textbooks including Basic Spoken Chinese: Practice Essentials and China-in-Depth: An Integrated Course for Advanced Chinese (《焦点中国:高级汉语综合教程》). She has presented on various topics on Chinese language pedagogy at national and international conferences. She is an ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Certified Tester in Chinese, and also a test developer and reviewer based on ACTFL proficiency guideline and ILR scale for national programs. Her primary research areas are curriculum design, cross-cultural communication, teacher training, and Chinese language testing and assessment. 

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